colorful image of contraception pills, an IUD, a diaphragm, and other contraceptive methods

CORE Publications and Resources: Contraception and Family Planning Programs

Contraception and Family Planning Programs

Research Briefs

How and where do people in Wisconsin want to get contraception?

Religious restrictions on reproductive care: Wisconsin patient perspectives

Topical Briefs

Crisis pregnancy centers in the US and Wisconsin

Family planning services are essential

How does contraception work? Not through inducing abortion (long form)

How does contraception work? Not through inducing abortion (summary)

Is Depo-Provera safe to use immediately after birth?

The potential impact of pharmacists prescribing hormonal contraceptives in Wisconsin

Impact of recent changes to the Title X program in Wisconsin

What would happen if reproductive healthcare providers were unable to participate in the Wisconsin Medicaid program?

Wisconsin Family Planning Only Services Program

Wisconsin women report barriers to accessing contraception services (summary and infographic)

Peer-Reviewed Publications

A prospective analysis of the relationship between sexual acceptability and contraceptive satisfaction over time. Kramer et al., American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2022.

Assessing the suitability of unmet need as a proxy for access to contraception and desire to use it. Senderowicz et al., Studies in Family Planning, 2023.

Association between patients’ perceptions of the sexual acceptability of contraceptive methods and continued use over time. Higgins et al., JAMA Internal Medicine, 2021.

Beyond safety and efficacy: sexuality-related priorities and their associations with contraceptive method selection. Higgins et al., Contraception, 2020.

Contraceptive autonomy: conceptions and measurement of a novel family planning indicator. Senderowicz, Studies in Family Planning, 2020.

Contraceptive method denial as downward contraceptive coercion: A mixed-methods mystery client study in Western Kenya. Tumlinson et al., Contraception, 2022.

Contraception use and satisfaction among mothers with low income: Evidence from the Baby’s First Years study. Costanzo et al., Contraception, 2023.

Expectations about availability of contraception and abortion at a hypothetical catholic hospital: Rural-urban disparities among Wisconsin women. Kramer et al., Contraception, 2021.

Exploring financial stress and resource deprivation as barriers to preferred contraceptive use in Wisconsin in 2021. Swan et al., Contraception, 2022.

Fertility has been framed: Why family planning is not a silver bullet for sustainable development. Senderowicz et al., Studies in Comparative International Development, 2023.

Healthcare provider-based contraceptive coercion: Understanding U.S. patient experiences and describing implications for measurement. Swan et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2024.

Health care provider bias in the Appalachian region: The frequency and impact of contraceptive coercion. Swan et al., Health Services Research, 2023.

“I haven’t heard much about other methods:” Quality of care and person-centredness in a programme to promote the postpartum intrauterine device in Tanzania. Senderowicz et al., BMJ Global Health, 2021.

“I was obligated to accept:” A qualitative exploration of contraceptive coercion. Senderowicz, Social Science & Medicine, 2019.

Measuring contraceptive autonomy at two sites in Burkina Faso: A first attempt to measure a novel family planning indicator. Senderowicz et al., Studies in Family Planning, 2023.

Medicaid sterilization consent practices increase barriers to effective contraception. Harrison et al., Health Affairs, 2023.

Patient preferences or provider pressure? The relationship between coercive contraceptive care and preferred contraceptive use. Swan et al., Healthcare,  2025

Pathways to reproductive autonomy: Using path analysis to predict family planning outcomes in the United States. Swan et al., Health and Social Care in the Community, 2022.

Physician beliefs about contraceptive methods as abortifacients. Swan et al., American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2023.

Policy impacts on contraceptive access in the United States: a scoping review. Swan, Journal of Population Research, 2023.

Postpartum IUD program on contraceptive method choice in Tanzania results from a cluster-randomized stepped-wedge trial. Senderowicz et al., Health Policy and Planning, 2023.

Prevalence and experiences of Wisconsin women turned away from Catholic settings without receiving reproductive care. Kramer et al., Contraception, 2021.

Prevalence of non-preferred family planning methods among reproductive-aged women in Burkina Faso: results from a cross-sectional, population-based study. Bullington et al., Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 2023.

Provision of immediate postpartum long-acting reversible contraceptives before and after Wisconsin Medicaid’s payment change. Kramer et al., Women’s Health Issues, 2021.

Reproductive autonomy is nonnegotiable, even in the time of COVID‐19. Senderowicz and Higgins, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2020.

Sexual functioning, satisfaction, and well-being among contraceptive users: a three-month assessment from the HER Salt Lake Contraceptive Initiative. Higgins et al., The Journal of Sex Research, 2022.

“She told me no, that you cannot change”: Understanding provider refusal to remove contraceptive implants. Senderowicz & Kolenda, SSM – Qualitative Research in Health, 2022.

Supply-side versus demand-side unmet need: Implications for family planning programs. Senderowicz and Maloney, Population and Development Review, 2022.

The need for accurate contraceptive awareness and advocacy among health care providers. Higgins et al., Health Affairs, 2021.