young people in a crowd with a megaphone

CORE Publications and Resources: Global Reproductive Health

Global Reproductive Health

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Autonomy in labor and delivery in a Latin American urban center: A qualitative phenomenological analysis. Mella-Guzmána et al., Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 2024.

Contraceptive autonomy: conceptions and measurement of a novel family planning indicator. Senderowicz, Studies in Family Planning, 2020.

Contraceptive method denial as downward contraceptive coercion: a mixed-methods mystery client study in Western Kenya. Tumlinson et al., Contraception, 2022.

Effectiveness and safety of a direct-to-patient telehealth service providing medication abortion targeted at rural and remote populations: Cross-sectional findings from Marie Stopes Australia. Seymour et al., Contraception, 2022.

Evaluating the feasibility of the Community Score Card and subsequent contraceptive behavior in Kisumu, Kenya. Onyango et al., BMC Public Health, 2022.

“I haven’t heard much about other methods:” Quality of care and person-centredness in a programme to promote the postpartum intrauterine device in Tanzania. Senderowicz et al., BMJ Global Health, 2021.

“I was obligated to accept:” A qualitative exploration of contraceptive coercion. Senderowicz, Social Science & Medicine, 2019.

Measuring contraceptive autonomy at two sites in Burkina Faso: A first attempt to measure a novel family planning indicator. Senderowicz et al., Studies in Family Planning, 2023.

Postpartum IUD program on contraceptive method choice in Tanzania results from a cluster-randomized stepped-wedge trial. Senderowicz et al., Health Policy and Planning, 2023.

Prevalence of non-preferred family planning methods among reproductive-aged women in Burkina Faso: results from a cross-sectional, population-based study. Bullington et al., Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 2023.

Supply-side versus demand-side unmet need: Implications for family planning programs. Senderowicz and Maloney, Population and Development Review, 2022.

The effect of a postpartum intrauterine device programme on choice of contraceptive method in Tanzania: a secondary analysis of a cluster-randomized trial. Senderowicz et al., Health Policy and Planning, 2022.

Visualizing young men’s fertility desires: A view from Balaka, Malawi. Trinitapoli et al., Socius, 2022.